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MCCE, MSDE, and the MD ES CS Ambassadors have curated resources to help educators incorporate CS into their curricula. The lesson repository in ECSNet is one primary resource. The lesson repository and connections to other supporting websites combine to provide a "toolkit".
Pick a category from the tabs below to see resources for that tab.
Resources for Unit Planning
Engineering is Elementary - Computer Science | Engineering is Elementary has computer science units in addition to their traditional STEM units. To implement the instruction, you will need to purchase materials in the implementation kit. Shortly, the curriculum will be available online for free. | |
KIPP NYC Computational Thinking Units K-4 | KIPP has authored high-quality units that integrate compuational thinking with Science. | |
Colorado's Computer Science Resource Bank | Colorado's Computer Science Resource Bank--which contains a variety of materials for computer science educators, including standards, curricula, and materials for professional educator development. | |
Model CS Unit Evaluation Rubric | The MD CS Unit Evaluation Rubric is meant to be a tool for school systems to self-evaluate their curriculum. Note: This previous version of the curricular rubric is filled out for a subset of existing curricula (Code.org, Computers as Another Language, and Tynker). | |
MD Local School System Units at a Glance | Specific school systems have created local curricula and used the MD unit rubric to evaluate their existing curricula. Use the Units at a Glance resource to see models from these school systems. | |
3rd Party Curricular Bundles (Draft) | ECSNet provides a database of individual lessons. We use the term Bundle to refer to curricula or unit of lessons grouped with a scope and sequence (Code.org, Scratch Encore, etc.). The Curricular Bundle resource is a report about available bundles. Some basic information about the curriculum is described, and where available, there is also a breakdown of how well the bundle addresses CS Standard Concepts (strands). The list of bundles is not comprehensive. It contains primarily free, open-source curricula, but some fee-based curricula are also included. Use this resource if you are selecting your base curriculum and/or looking to mash up your local curriculum with other curricula. |