Advice to teachers who are taking professional development and are new to teaching computer science
Computer Science is new for many elementary school teachers. For a good orientation, complete an hour of code.
With this background, it will be easy for you to have your students complete an hour of code next.
When you have had success with an hour of code, you are ready for a full course from Code.org. There is a course designed for each grade level. It is helpful (but not necessary) to participate in a one-day workshop (Computer Science Fundamentals - Introduction). Then complete the course yourself and next have students complete it. Don't skip the unplugged activities because they provide an anchor for the computer science concepts. Pair programming is a best practice.
To deepen your understanding of computer science standards, visit the Maryland Annotated Standards or visit the Explore Standards page.
With all this under your belt, you are ready to add more, such as Scratch/Scratch Jr., to your repertoire. Visit the Teacher section of ECSNet for inspiration.